I think that Al Gore's speech was very interesting . He spoke about things that everybody know are happening , But we refuse to accept it, because we don't want to believe that we the people also have been part of some of the bad things that are happening in todays world.
The world today is surrounded by technology and the use of it only increases by the years. In the speech Al Gore points out some environmental crisis. It is estimated that within 5 years there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap will completely disappear during the summer months. The core of our crisis is that we borrow money from China to buy oil to burn. But we also have two more major challenges of crisis in america which are national security and economic. Climate change, Gasoline prices and burning of carbon such as Oil and Coal are really harming us. Al Gore believes that the answer for problems are to end our reliance with carbon based fuel.
Al Gore went out his was to find his resources. He spoke with engineers, And Scientist. In those discussion it turns out that the real solution to the climate prices are the very same measures that are needed to renew our economy and escape the traps.
Some of the fuels we can use to replace carbon based fuels are fuels that aren't expensive, don't cause pollution, and are available at home. We can start now by using Solar power, Wind power and Geothermal power .
Al Gore sets up a challenge which is to commit to producing 100% renewable energy and truly clean carbon free sources within ten years.
Gore states that ten years are an important time period for this challenge. Because it took less then ten years to make dramatic changes in our global warming pollution, It will take us less for the ability to recover from this environmental crisis. The time is now we can stand ten more years of gasoline prices increasing and workers of job loses. We can help our auto companies by switching to the manufactor of plug in electrical cars and save auto jobs to renew our auto companies.
He discusses an idea of co2 tax, Which is to tax what you burn not what you earn . Oil companies pretend that they are going to bring prices down but they will do nothing of that sort. If we keep going back to the same policies that have never worked and only worked to preserve the highest gasoline prices we might get the same results over and over again today. We should end our dependence on oil and use the renewable source that can give us the equivalent of $1 per gallon.
Al Gore asks America to please join him on every candidate at every level to except this challenge for America to be running 100% on 0 carbon electricity. We most all stand up now and act boldly .
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