Tuesday, August 12, 2008

self assessment

My experience on doing  blogs was fun. It kind of tested me on how good I can speak my mind and write so that others can understand me. I think I did well, I enjoyed the class and did all my assignments even if they didn't all call my attention what so ever. The blogs I liked were "why kids lie", and the "I am" poem. The one I really didn't like was the blog about the alternative energy, It was to long and boring and I really didn't know what I was talking about while doing the blog, (haha) even though it seemed like it. But I still enjoyed it. It was a challenge to my knowledge of writing in reports.
I'm proud of all my blogs actually, I think I did all of them with focus and really tried hard to do my best, So I'm proud of all my blogs.
I think I deserve what ever Ted gives me because only he actually knows how hard I tried, I just know I have to pass this class. After this class I'm going to show my mom so she can see what I have been doing in school theses past  weeks I like seeing her proud. AND YES TED!!! I AM HAPPY ABOUT MY BLOGSSSS!!! :-).

Thursday, August 7, 2008


People should be more careful about what they post n the internet.I just read an article that spoke about a young man named Joshua who the police were looking for, They believe he caused a crash due to drunk driving. He fought on saying it was an accident and felt really sorry about what had happened,  When investigators look on his my space they didn't see a man who felt sorry they just saw  man having fun partying and drinking posted right after the accident showing no pity, So therefore they have the right to believe that he was the cause of the accident. 
I think he made his actions public by posting his pictures drinking. He really didn't show any remorse by wearing the jail bird suit which kind of made it seem like he knew he was going to do some time and just played with it and made it a joke him.
But at the same time I feel like what happened might had been an accident, but he doesn't have depress his whole life for one thing, Yes he has to suffer the consequences but did didn't mean he had to change his whole life .Maybe he just wanted to have a little fun and try to take his mind off of the accident.
In the second article they are speaking about teenagers and what they post in the computer. In today's world violence is the key to solving every problem at according to teenagers. In the article they pointed out a case in which occurred last month, after viewing a video of the beating of a 13-year-old girl that was broadcast on Web sites including MySpace, Photobucket and YouTube, the authorities arrested three freshman girls from nearby North Babylon High School. If you were to log on you tube and search on fights, you would find thousands of videos and they will all be just teens fighting to solve their problems. Well if they really love fighting so much they should just go to Iraq they do plenty of that over there. 
What they are doing wrong is that they are posting up criminal actions for everyone to watch, If we can see it then of course police can too. Not a very smart move to do if u want to beat the heck out of somebody without having to suffer any consequences. So i think that is what they are doing wrong . Posting up illegal actions and letting everyone laugh at them, but when they see themselves behind bars there isn't going to be anything funny anymore.
On the third article A local graffiti artist's online requests for feedback on his work ultimately landed him in hot water with police this month busted him. I  think this was the dumbest one out of all of them. He might as well just went to the cops and gave him self in for all that. 
ON all three article these people got arrested for their wrong moves which were pretty stupid. This is why people have to be careful of what they post and where they post it at. Is it a public post ? or only for your friends to see?. Either way posting things where you are showing evidence of a crime isn't very smart.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Satire -A literacy tone used to make fun of human weaknesses ,often with the intent of correcting or changing the subject of the satiric attack.
I just read "Advice to youth" an article written by mark Twain .He picked out six topics to provide advice in such as Always obeying parents, be respectful to your superiors, Go to bed early, Be careful when lying, Never handle firearms carelessly, And read.
I consider this article a satire because he took important topics and turned it around into a joke. Instead of giving us good advice on how to treat our parent better and how to treat others too, It adviced the youth to only listen to our parent when they are present and to practice lying so that we wont get caught and then later look stupid when found in the lie, He also think lying is a beautiful art. He even adviced us that before playing with an firearm to make sure it loaded and not old and rusty.(hilarious).
I think that Twain is trying to tell the youth that we don't need advice to become better, we just need to start learning on our own how to improve on the topics he selected which is every teenagers problem. But eventually we will grown out of all theses topics. To deliver his message Twain tries to use examples and make them as funny as can be.To make us the reader laugh and understand that life is short. Why take it so serious.
This is a successful piece because its something we the teenagers go through everyday and get upset bout some of the things he pointed out and when he puts them in a joking matter it easier to understand that maybe its not so bad to listen to our parent to avoid violence and that everyone is bad at lying. Even with practice ,so i believe.
What I learned from this article?
Actually I didn't learn anything I wasn't already doing. So I guess I'm a normal teen.
I read an satire article in The Onion website and it was based on Al Gore and global warming.  It was very funny. Al Gore is known for caring a lot about the earth and how we the people can make our place a better environment. In this article they use the superman story to make fun of Gore, With a picture with him putting his son in a rocket and sending him to a another safer planet just like superman's father did to him when he was a baby. It very funny because he really does try hard for people to listen to him,but the public just laugh because eventually the world is gonna end  without it being anyone fault. We weren't meant to live for ever.